Why Is Your Metal Roof Creaking?

When you moved into a house with a metal roof, you probably didn't think about noise issues. You were probably just pleased to have a quality roof up that can protect your home for years.

However, since you've moved in, you've noticed that the roof makes odd creaking noises. These noises don't happen all the time, but they happen often enough to make you worry that something is wrong with the roof.

Why is your roof making these noises and should you do anything about it?

Why Metal Roofs Creak

It's common for metal roofs to make creaking noises occasionally. These noises often happen when there is a sudden temperature change. Metal expands and contracts slightly when it is hot or cold.

If this happens to your roof, it may creak as it changes shape when it heats up or cools down. Plus, the metal can't move too much as it is fixed into place, so the energy it releases when temperatures change can move into roof joists and supports that then make creaking noises that carry through your home.

Sometimes, the creaking you hear has a different and less common cause. Roofs may creak if they have problems with their insulation or the fixings that attach them to the house. For example, screws that are too loose or too tight can make noises.

How to Deal With a Creaking Roof

If your roof only creaks when there is an obvious temperature change, then you probably don't have anything to worry about. For example, if it creaks in the morning as the sun heats up or in the evening as the roof cools down, then this is normal.

However, if the creaking noises happen at less obvious times or if they turn into sharper and louder cracking noises, then the roof probably needs to be looked at. So, call a roofing company, explain the problem and ask them to take a look.

Your roofer can check if the creaking is normal. If it isn't, they can work out how to fix the problem. For example, you may need to upgrade the insulation under the roof or in your roof space.  If you don't have enough insulation under the roof, then it will react more to temperature changes.

Your roofer can also check that the fixings that hold your metal roof in place are all fitted and tightened correctly. Sometimes, a simple tweak can shut a noisy roof up.

For more information, contact a local roofing company.
