Roofing: Symptoms to Look Out For Of Impending Disrepair

When it comes to roof repairs, you will find a number of homeowners tend to only consider them when their roof has developed a leak. However, by the time your roof is allowing water to penetrate into your structure, it is a sign of extensive damage. Further inspection could even reveal that you may require roofing replacement instead of simple repairs. That is why it is important for homeowners to know how to spot the signs of roof damages when they have not got the chance to become exacerbated. Below are some of the symptoms to look out for of impending disrepair.

Shingles have started going missing

One of the telltale signs that you would need roof repair is shingles that are missing. There are a number of reasons that your shingles would acquire damage. The most common would be after a severe storm that compromises the integrity of the shingles, causing them to crack and disintegrate. Secondly, the shingles may simply be past their lifespan and would need to be replaced with new ones to restore the functionality of your roofing. No matter the reason, it is prudent to have these shingles replaced at the first sign of damage to prevent a leak from springing up in your roof.

Granules are accumulating in your gutters

If you are engaging in gutter care and maintenance and find debris in the form of stone particles collecting in the gutters, chances are your roof is deteriorating. These particles come about due to the steady erosion of your shingles. This would be especially common during a heavy storm, as the torrential rain will accelerate the erosion process. The more eroded the shingles are, the less sturdy they become. This makes them susceptible to cracking and even breakage. Once you begin to notice granules in your gutters. It is best to hire a roofer to inspect how extensive the damage is and replace the affected shingles.

Shingles have started to curl

Another symptom that should not be ignored when it comes to the integrity of your roofing is the shape of your shingles. Your shingles are supposed to lie flat atop each other with closed seams. If the shingles have started to curl, they pose the risk of letting water infiltrate your roofing. Curled shingles will typically occur due to extreme changes in temperature leading to rapid expansion and contraction. You may also find that the curling of the shingles is accompanied with buckling in some of the shingles.
